Where an agreement exists between a consumer and a business operator, obligations shall be carried out in accordance with that agreement. An agreement between the parties concerned shall not, however, be in contravention of laws and regulations. 经营者和消费者有约定的,应当按照约定履行义务,但双方的约定不得违背法律、法规的规定。
In a public statement, Mr Flint said: We deeply regret and apologise for the conduct and compliance failures highlighted which were in contravention to our own policies as well as our expectations of us. 范智廉在一份公开声明中表示:我们对相关的行为和合规失败深感遗憾,并为其道歉,这些失败违反了我行的政策,也不符合我行对自身的期望。
Any attempted assignment in contravention of this Clause shall be void. 任何试图违反本条规定进行的转让均为无效。
This is in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention that an occupying army should "use all means within its power" to guard the cultural heritage of a defeated state. 这直接违反了日内瓦公约,即占领军队应“使用力所能及的所有方式”保护战败国的文化遗产。
"Where a ship goes to sea in contravention of subsection ( 1); and has on board a public officer acting in the execution of his duty,*" 凡船舶违反第(2)款而出海;及载有正在执行职责的公职人员,则
Any person who publishes or communicates any information which to his knowledge has been disclosed in contravention of this Ordinance to any other person commits an offence. 任何人发表或向他人传达任何其明知属违反本条例而披露的资料,即属犯罪。
We acted in direct contravention of objective laws, attempting to boost the economy all at once. 完全违背客观规律,企图一下子把经济搞上去。
If any provision contained in this certificate is inconsistent with or in contravention of provision in the policy, the certificate shall prevail. 若保单明细表上保险与条款不符,以保单明细表为准。
Anyone found acting in contravention of these regulations will no longer be allowed club membership. 以如发现有人违反这些规定,将被取消俱乐部会员资格。
Where the trustor gives special pricing instruction, the trustee-trader may not make any sale or purchase in contravention thereof. Dealer is also used of someone who buys and sells illegally dealer 委托人对价格有特别指示的,行纪人不得违背该指示卖出或者买入。还可指做非法买卖者
A liquidator who acts in contravention of the provision1s of the preceding two paragraphs shall be jointly liable with the company to a bona fide third party. 清算人违反前两项规定时,应与公司对于善意第三人连带负其责任。
Every spring since its accession to the EU in2004, Malta has permitted hunting of Common Quail, in direct contravention of the EU Birds Directive. 自从2004加入欧盟以来的每个春季,马耳他都允许对于鹌鹑的捕猎,而这是与欧盟鸟类条约相违背的。
They have acted in contravention of the terms of the treaty. 他们的行为与合约条款相违背。
The revelation that Chinese companies discussed selling weapons to the tottering regime as late as July, in contravention of UN resolutions, is hugely embarrassing for Beijing, which is already struggling to improve relations with the victorious rebels. 中国企业迟至7月仍与摇摇欲坠的卡扎菲政权就销售武器进行谈判,违背联合国决议,这对北京是一个巨大的难堪,北京方面在与取胜的利比亚反对派改善关系方面已经困难重重。
As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging. 等待时,一辆满载竹子的大货车驶出了保护区,而当地法院早就禁止在保护区内砍伐树木。
A number of articles in the Convention oblige parties to take appropriate measures to implement and enforce its provisions, including measures to prevent and punish conduct in contravention of the convention. 在公约中有很多条款责成缔约国成员采取适当的措施贯彻执行公约的规定,包括防止和惩罚违反公约的行为的措施。
Special methods may be followed at the request of a foreign court, provided that such methods are not in contravention of the laws of the PRC. 外国法院请求采用特殊方式的,也可以按照其请求的特殊方式进行,但请求采用的特殊方式不得违反中华人民共和国法律。
That the concept of traditional sculpture is static, visualization, and can be in contravention of the three-dimensional objects to the main image of the modeling and spatial forms reflect reality. 传统的观念认为雕塑是静态的、可视的、可触的三维物体,以主体的造型形象和空间形式反映现实。
Yet Mr Levine hit back at Mr Buffett in a statement, insisting that Mr Sokol had done nothing illegal or in contravention of Berkshire policies. 然而,莱文在一份声明中对巴菲特进行了还击,他坚持表示,索科尔没有做任何非法的事情,也没有违反伯克希尔哈撒韦的政策。
It is an act in contravention of regulations. 这是违反规则的举动。
The commercial secrets charges heard in a court closed even to diplomats, in contravention of international treaties protecting Mr Hu, an Australian appear least persuasive. 侵犯商业秘密的指控看上去是最不具说服力的审理该罪的庭审甚至不对外交官开放,违反了保护澳大利亚公民胡士泰的相关国际条约。
The strike began on10 May over the nonpayment of overtime, in contravention of the collective agreement. 这次罢工开始于五月十日,超出了未付薪的加班时间,已违反了集体的意见。
That system, if allowed to develop, would have led inevitably to capitalism, in contravention of Marxism-Leninism and the Party's general line for the transition period. 新税制发展下去,势必离开马克思列宁主义,离开党在过渡时期的总路线,向资本主义发展。
Conflict diamonds are diamonds that originate from areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments, and are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of the UN Security Council. 冲突钻石是指一个国家内由反政府势力或派别控制地区所生产的钻石,这些钻石被用来资助反对合法政府的军事行动。